“Your workshop was so incredible that the coordinators have not stopped talking about you.”
Let’s tell stories!
“I’m not a writer.”
“I’ll start that novel someday…”
“I don’t know where to start…”
Everyone has a story to tell. We just need the right tools to tell it. As an award-winning novelist, a former animation story development executive, a comic book-writing, cookie-baking, book-loving educator, my workshops will give you the straight skinny on storytelling: what to do, how to do it, and how to make it even better. Whether it’s the nuts and bolts of writing, navigating issues of empathy and diversity, or deeper explorations on craft, I approach it all with a heavy dose of encouragement and humor. Whatever your focus and whoever your audience, let’s excite and inspire them to do great work!
Current Offerings
Want some help with your saggy middle? This class is like an abs workout for your story! Character want is the engine that drives the story forward. Without this key bit of information, you can’t start the journey, throw believable obstacles in the way, build tension, or convince your readers to root for your character’s success.
The Little Red Writing Hood Path is a five-week generative storytelling-and-answer workshop designed to help writers connect with the deeper wisdom in their writing practice using the seemingly familiar fairy tale as a metaphor and a guide. Dive into your deep imagination and return with gifts for your writing life!
“Before I get down to writing, I just wanted to thank the magnificent @ Sherri_L_Smith for her great @WritingPadLA class yesterday. Huge help.”
Client Testimonial
“Sherri spoke to our group of 70 or so about finding the structure for her latest novel, The Blossom and the Firefly. It was a master class in the craft of fiction: a detailed explanation of the structure she had wanted to use (along with diagrams), examples of how other stories have used it, and a narrative about her own attempt to write within it and the changes she made according to the needs of her manuscript. Her lecture was funny, personable, and incredibly useful to writers of all experience levels. Several people came up to me afterwards to say that the structure Sherri described might be just the thing to get their manuscripts unstuck. I can't recommend Sherri as a speaker highly enough.”
—Michael Noll, Program Director, Writers’ League of Texas
Cedar Ridge HS, Round Rock, TX