Tea Talks: Fruitful Dreaming Salon
“Stories change minds. Stories can change the world.”
I am delighted to announce a new offering for those of you who are seeking to replenish your creative cup. Tea Talks are conversations over tea that blend writing, myth and mystery, and Enchantivism into what I hope will be a wonderful experience for you and your art.
Allow me to back up a bit and explain one of those words: Enchantivism. Two years ago I studied for eight weeks with Dr. Craig Chalquist at the Pacifica Institute here in Southern California. The topic was Enchantivism, or as he put it, activism for introverts. In a nutshell, Enchantivism combines storytelling, mythology, ecology and dreamwork to bring about deep-seated positive change in our ailing world. We can’t heal the world until we heal ourselves, and we cannot heal ourselves until we heal the world. Story is one way we can affect change, by re-enchanting ourselves.with our living planet and the deep magic of being a part of this world together.
And so, I bring you Tea Talks. Conversations about myth and mystery and the wonder of writing. The first session is part of another new endeavor, Two Trees Writers’ Collective. It’s a group of writing teachers who are also interested in the mysteries behind the magic of storytelling. We’re coming together to lead group explorations into everything from tarot for your story, to stichomancy, movement and dance, and yes, Enchantivism.
We’re holding an online retreat this October called the Grove. You can read more about it here.. It’s a four session, two-day extravaganza on the woo woo side of the writer’s journey. It’s going to be awesome!
My session, Fruitful Dreaming Salon, is also my inaugural Tea Talk. Come with a cup of tea and your dreams at the ready!
The Fruitful Dreaming Salon: Dream Activism for Writers
Pull back the curtain to a silk-draped room, a floor of cumulus pillows, a low table artfully arranged with cups of steaming tea and tiny cakes. Drape yourself across the cushions and join us at the table. Though your body is at home, your spirit is with us in the imaginal world, where great things happen. It’s time to dream of change…
The Fruitful Dreaming Salon is a place where we join together to manifest ideas for a better world. It begins with the story of an emperor who dreamed of paradise. By emulating his dreams, he made a new reality. Now, it’s our turn. Bring your most wonderful dreams and daydreams to the table. Through conversations and writing prompts we will ask, Wouldn’t it be wonderful if…? and What would it take to plant this idea in my work? In our world? We’ll spread out the bounty of our ideas, shake loose the seeds and discuss how to plant them in stories and our lives, so that they may one day manifest in the outer world and bear fruit. (2.5 hours)
“May your dreams be fruitful, may your hopes be wise.”